In today’s article, we will go through some terms that are most commonly used in the healthcare industry, or, as you can say, mostly in hospitals. Although everyone speaks these words frequently, some people are only aware of their true meaning. People pronounce them in their short forms, mostly, so we will try to cover the most important terms here.
About ICU (Intensive Care Unit )
ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit, also known as an Intensive Treatment Unit. ICU is a special department and is used in situations where intensive care is required.Intensive care is given to people with life threatening illnesses.ICU patients require constant care, close supervision, medication, and life support equipment.ICUs have a higher staff to patient ratio and access to advanced medical resources.Conditions treated within ICU’s include ARDS,organ damage, and other life threatening conditions.
About CCU (Coronary Care Unit)
CCU stands for Coronary Care Unit, also known as a cardiac care unit. It is a hospital ward with specialization in patients with heart disease,unstable angina, and in various other cardiac situations that require regular monitoring.The main feature of CCU is continuous monitoring of the cardiac rhythm by electrocardiography.
About MICU (Medical Intensive Care Unit)
MICU Full Form or MICU stands for Medical Intensive Care Unit. MICU deals with less critical health conditions like infections and other problems that require intensive monitoring but don’t require emergency treatment. MICU includes blood pressure monitoring equipment, ventilators,ventilators infusion pumps, and cardiac monitoring equipment.
How Do You Choose A Suitable Unit For You?
The ICU and MICU are critical care units that both require a high level of nursing skills; however, if you are looking for a fast-paced environment, the ICU might be a better choice. The MICU is typically smaller than the ICU, which means you will spend more time getting to know each patient; however, this can also mean that there will be fewer staff members available to assist with your care. The ICU is typically larger than the MICU, which means that there will be more staff members available to assist with your patients’ needs. This can be especially useful when dealing with complex patients who require frequent medication changes.
Now that we have covered all the necessary terms, you will be able to locate yourself very quickly in a hospital, and you all know the difference between these wards. If there is any queries left ,. Please feel free to write down in the comment box
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